Monday, January 8, 2007

A Little Gift for You

These little gifts of flowers were the centerpieces at a client's holiday party this year. So simple and clever (I can't take credit for this design...we found it in a magazine): chartreuse mums poked into a wet Oasis brick with a small pearl pin stuck in each center and wrapped with a red velvet ribbon. You should have seen the look on the freight elevator operator's face as I delivered the flowers. He just kept asking: "But what's inside?" I smiled coyly and said "Now that would ruin the surprise!"

Friday, January 5, 2007

My stash, my stash, my stash

I'll admit it. I used to hide it. Inside the large buffet pictured below. But I'm out now, baby. The psychology behind my decision to go public with my yarn stash: halt future yarn purchases. When the yarn is out, I can see what I have, get inspired and begin to whittle away at the stash with a different project every week, right? It's working. This weekend, I am starting a pretty little ballet sweater out of this orange-y red multicolor mohair yarn. So my advice, ladies...get the yarn out of the drawers, display it proudly. Or, if you have a husband looking over your shoulder monitoring every purchase: hide, hide, hide! Under the bed is good or perhaps a closet where anything domestic is kept, like the bucket and mop. We all know they never go in there! Where, oh where, is your stash?

Thursday, January 4, 2007

Grey Cashmere Tank

My first sweater design as well as my first cashmere project! Balls-y, I know. But it turned out ok (I say with a big sigh and a sweep of my hand over the forehead.)

I used a 2-ply Mongolian cashmere from Jade Sapphire. Although I ordered it online from Loop, a great yarn store in Philly. The color was Pewter, and one skein (400 yds.) finished the small sweater! That doesn't happen often. The straps incorporate a navy, cotton plush brocade ribbon that I found in the garment district of NYC at M & J Trimmings, the best store for ribbon in the world. Yes, the world.

Ask my knitting many sweaters have I knit that don't come close to fitting? I'm not sure if I've had the bad luck of getting my hands on bunk patterns, or if my yarn substitutions and my math have not served me well. However, I recall two sweaters where I travelled the world to find the exact brand/weight of yarn called for in the pattern, and still failed; armholes too tight, neck too big, long sweater became a belly sweater, only appropriate for a young 20-something with a washboard stomach. Wait...strike that. No one should be wearing belly-anything in 2006. But alas. The entire experience has turned me into a budding pattern designer. Or in some cases, a pattern re-designer. (But all good ideas come from somewhere, right?)